A woman in her 20s doing her skincare routine | Source: Shutterstock
A woman in her 20s doing her skincare routine | Source: Shutterstock

6 Beauty Tips for Those in Their 20s to Integrate into Their Skincare Rituals

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Jan 21, 2024
05:30 A.M.
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Though past puberty, people in their 20s still find themselves grappling with skin challenges like acne and uneven tones. To tackle these issues and proactively prevent future signs of aging, here are some beauty tips for those in their 20s and what they can do during their skincare rituals.

Many skin challenges like sun damage, adult acne, and dry spots may arise in your 20s, exacerbated by physiological changes, daily stress, and environmental factors. This is why maintaining a proper skincare routine during this period is crucial.

Taking preventive steps early improves the skin's response to aging later in life. Read on for six beauty tips to incorporate into skincare rituals tailored for those in their 20s, according to skin experts.

A woman in her 20s with a bright smile | Source: Shutterstock

A woman in her 20s with a bright smile | Source: Shutterstock

Beauty Tips for Those in Their 20s and Their Skincare Rituals

1. Cleanse and exfoliate daily.

Wash your face twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. It's crucial to cleanse as well after sweating. Opt for a gentle cleanser or exfoliating wash that removes buildup and makeup without stripping natural oils.

Choose formulas with antioxidants to combat free radicals and slow down signs of aging. Also, pick a cleanser tailored to your skin type; for acne-prone skin, use a mild cleanser that removes oil, while dry skin benefits from a hydrating cleanser.

Use a gentle cleanser or exfoliating wash to remove buildup and makeup without stripping natural oils. | Source: Pexels

Use a gentle cleanser or exfoliating wash to remove buildup and makeup without stripping natural oils. | Source: Pexels

2. Shield your skin with sunscreen.

Sunscreen is crucial in guarding against both UVA and UVB rays, slowing down the aging process. UV exposure from natural sunlight or tanning beds contributes to skin damage in your 20s.

Choose a sunscreen tailored to your skin type, such as non-comedogenic for oily skin or tinted options for those with darker skin tones. Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30, offering broad-spectrum coverage and water resistance.

Apply it 15 minutes before going outdoors, even on cloudy days, ensuring it covers any exposed skin. For comprehensive sun care, apply sunscreen after other skincare products and before makeup.

Apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30, providing broad-spectrum protection and water resistance. | Source: Shutterstock

Apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30, providing broad-spectrum protection and water resistance. | Source: Shutterstock

3. Consider investing in anti-aging essentials.

Skin experts suggest incorporating anti-aging essentials into your skincare rituals. An eye cream or serum can help combat fine lines that can begin appearing in your 20s. Choose skincare products with science-backed ingredients based on your concerns and skin type.

Vitamin C serum or cream, known for reducing aging and dark spots, can be applied in the morning after washing your face. Introduce retinoids into your routine. These are versatile vitamin A-based products that can treat fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and dark spots while improving skin texture.

Take a gradual approach to incorporating anti-aging products, starting with formulations with lower concentrations of active ingredients. It's best to consult with a dermatologist for guidance.

Regularly use an eye cream or serum to prevent fine lines. | Source: Shutterstock

Regularly use an eye cream or serum to prevent fine lines. | Source: Shutterstock

4. Remove makeup before bedtime.

Ensure to remove your makeup before bedtime to prevent consistent breakouts and accelerated aging. Sleeping with makeup on impedes the skin's natural repair and renewal process that occurs overnight.

Leaving makeup on overnight also allows it to settle into the skin's creases and lines, contributing to a dull and aged complexion. Consistent neglect of makeup removal can harm your skin, blocking pores, trapping oil, and causing breakouts.

Opt for a gentle cleanser with witch hazel for effective makeup removal, and consider products with willow herb extract, which has antibacterial properties, to enhance cleansing and promote healthier skin.

To prevent breakouts, always ensure you remove your makeup before bedtime. | Source: Shutterstock

To prevent breakouts, always ensure you remove your makeup before bedtime. | Source: Shutterstock

5. Treat acne.

Effectively treat adult acne with targeted treatments designed for specific concerns. Despite the misconception that acne is exclusive to teenagers, it persists in many individuals in their 20s.

For light to moderate acne, use mild products with lower concentrations of active ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Consult a board-certified dermatologist for severe or recurring acne, as they can prescribe medications or recommend in-office laser treatments.

Dermatologists commonly prescribe retinoids, such as adapalene, tazarotene, tretinoin, or trifarotene, to unclog pores. To prevent scarring, avoid picking, popping, or squeezing pimples.

To treat mild to moderate acne, use gentle products with less salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. | Source: Shutterstock

To treat mild to moderate acne, use gentle products with less salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. | Source: Shutterstock

6. Consult a professional if uncertain about social media skincare trends.

Exercise caution with skincare trends on social media. Many viral beauty or wellness tips lack evidence of effectiveness and may even be unsafe. For instance, dermatologists often treat damage resulting from the overuse of exfoliating products in skincare routines popularized on social media platforms.

It's always best to seek guidance from a dermatologist who understands your skin needs, as relying on influencers or unverified advice may delay proper treatment for conditions like acne or rosacea.

To receive reliable skincare advice, follow board-certified dermatologists on social media, such as those on the American Academy of Dermatology's platforms (#AADskin).

If you're unsure about skincare trends on social media, seek advice from your trusted dermatologist. | Source: Shutterstock

If you're unsure about skincare trends on social media, seek advice from your trusted dermatologist. | Source: Shutterstock

Taking good care of your skin in your 20s helps it stay youthful as you get older. From cleansing your face regularly to treating acne properly and seeking expert advice, keep these beauty tips in mind for healthy and radiant skin throughout your twenties and beyond.

The beauty landscape has undergone a recent revolution with advancements in cosmetic procedures. If you've undergone lip filler treatment and are looking for post-surgery comfort, explore whether you can use Vaseline after a lip filler.


The information in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, and images contained on fashionGirlsly.com, or available through fashionGirlsly.com is for general information purposes only. fashionGirlsly.com does not take responsibility for any action taken as a result of reading this article. Before undertaking any course of treatment please consult with your healthcare provider.

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