A woman holding her retainer | Source: Shutterstock
A woman holding her retainer | Source: Shutterstock

Can You Chew Gum with Retainers? — Essential Insights

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Jan 15, 2024
09:46 A.M.
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Chewing gum serves various purposes, such as combating bad breath and alleviating boredom. However, a common question arises for those wearing retainers after braces: "Can I chew gum with retainers?" Read below to find out.

Retainers, those thin, metal wires bonded at the back and front of the teeth, are a common and recommended step that dentists take for patients who have completed a period of wearing braces to correct teeth alignment.

These dental appliances play an essential role in preserving the new position of the teeth and preventing gradual shifting. If you're someone with retainers and craving sticky delights like gum, it's crucial to learn more about whether chewing gum is a wise choice or not.

A lady holding two retainers | Source: Shutterstock

A lady holding two retainers | Source: Shutterstock

Can You Eat Gum with Retainers?

Unfortunately, it's not advisable to chew gum while wearing retainers. Chewing sticky or hard food may potentially distort the wire or compromise the adhesive securing it.

In the worst-case scenario, you may end up removing bits of sticky gum from your dental appliance, but in more critical instances, your reliable retainer could suffer damage.

Broken or bent wires can also pose a threat to your mouth. If a wire comes loose and poses a risk to your gums or tongue, you can take preventative measures by using orthodontic wax to secure the exposed point.

A woman blows a bubble while chewing gum | Source: Pexels

A woman blows a bubble while chewing gum | Source: Pexels

Don't Fret — You Can Chew Gum In One Condition

The only way you can enjoy chewing gum when you have retainers is by removing them first before chewing gum. Yes, you can chew gum if you take out your retainer first. That is the simplest solution so you don't run the risk of the gum sticking to your appliance and causing a mess.

Removing your retainers before chewing gum is especially applicable if you wear the retainer only at night. But for those who wear it full-time and love chewing gum, choose sugarless gum—this is less sticky and may be chewed without creating a mess.

Orthodontists recommend thorough teeth cleaning after gum-chewing sessions for optimal oral health. Always remember to store your retainer in its case when not in use, ensuring its cleanliness and effectiveness are preserved.

So, in a nutshell, when craving chewy food like gum hits you, be cautious. Take those retainers out before you chew, and you're good to go. It's all about keeping those retainers in top-notch shape and ensuring your teeth stay in the game. Cheers to a healthy smile!

Besides chewing gum, other people with braces often wonder, "Can I eat donuts with braces?" If you're curious, check out this guide.

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