A person wearing Uggs | Source: Shutterstock
A person wearing Uggs | Source: Shutterstock

How to Make the Inside of Uggs Fluffy Again with Two Simple Methods

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Feb 29, 2024
12:30 P.M.
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Feeling like your favorite pair of Uggs has lost some of its cozy charm lately? If you're wondering how to make the inside of your Uggs fluffy again, you're in the right place! Explore two methods to restore its softness.

Uggs have garnered worldwide acclaim for their warmth and style. While the brand offers general cleaning guidelines, many users wonder how to rejuvenate the fluffiness of the insides of Uggs.

Over time, the insides can lose their fluffy appeal due to various factors such as heat, friction, and the accumulation of oils, sweat, and dirt. Luckily, you can restore them easily in two ways — using a shampoo or a brush.

A closer look at the fluffiness of Uggs | Source: Shutterstock

A closer look at the fluffiness of Uggs | Source: Shutterstock

How to Make the Insides of Uggs Fluffy Again

1. Shampoo Treatment

Explore the process of using shampoo to revive the fluffiness of your Uggs.

What you need:

  • Uggs
  • bowl
  • shampoo
  • paper towel
  • pet brush
  • hair dryer
Dampen the paper towel in the soapy water. | Sourc: Shutterstock

Dampen the paper towel in the soapy water. | Sourc: Shutterstock

How to Clean:

  1. Fill a bowl with water and mix in a small amount of mild shampoo.
  2. Dip the paper towel into the soapy water, ensuring it's damp but not dripping.
  3. Wipe down the fleece inside your Uggs with the dampened paper towel. Repeat as desired.
  4. Address any tangled spots in the fleece using a pet brush, gently combing through them.
  5. Fluff the fleece briskly with short, quick strokes using the pet brush.
  6. Use a hair dryer on its coolest setting to dry the interior of your Uggs.
Wipe the fleece inside your Uggs gently with a damp, shampoo-soaked paper towel. | Shutterstock

Wipe the fleece inside your Uggs gently with a damp, shampoo-soaked paper towel. | Shutterstock

2. Using a Brush

Alternatively, you can opt for a simpler method such as using a brush to restore the plushness of your Uggs.

What you need:

  • Clean, wet towel
  • Brush
  • Hairdryer, optional
Brush the Uggs' fibers to remove dirt and maintain its shape. | Source: Shutterstock

Brush the Uggs' fibers to remove dirt and maintain its shape. | Source: Shutterstock

How to clean it:

  1. Slightly dampen the inside of each of your Uggs with a clean, wet towel.
  2. Use a brush to comb through the Uggs' fibers, removing any dirt or debris and maintaining their shape.
  3. To add protection and shine, lightly blow-dry the insides of the Uggs.
Blow-dry the insides of the Uggs for protection and shine. | Source: Shutterstock

Blow-dry the insides of the Uggs for protection and shine. | Source: Shutterstock

Following these easy ways to restore the fluffiness of the insides of your Uggs will breathe new life into your boots, ensuring continued comfort. However, maintaining foot comfort extends beyond just the insides of your boots.

Consider incorporating the beneficial practice of rolling a ball under your feet into your routine. This technique will enhance your overall foot health, amplifying the enjoyment you experience from wearing your cozy Uggs.

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